When Should You be Worried About Nasal Polyps?


By some estimates, nasal polyps affect almost 4% of individuals living in the United States. That’s mostly 14 million people.

For many, nasal polyps aren’t really a big deal. They don’t have many symptoms and remain small and out of the way. For other individuals, nasal polyps can cause a myriad of issues ranging from a mundane runny nose to acute and long-term sleeping difficulty.

So how will you identify when it’s time to deal with your nasal polyps? And when that does takes place, what should be done?

What Are Nasal Polyps?

Tiny growths on the inside of your nose, nasal polyps are noncancerous, soft bumps that form along the lining of your sinuses and nasal passages. Inflammation, typically due to a sinus infection, is most often the cause of these growths. But it’s not uncommon for these growths to form by themselves and become permanent.

When they’re small in number and size, nasal polyps can be simple enough to ignore, a nuisance at the most. But a variety of issues can develop when polyps increase and grow too large. Some of the most common symptoms of nasal polyps include:

  • Pain in the upper teeth
  • Snoring, sometimes producing sleep apnea
  • Runny nose or lasting (and constant) stuffiness
  • Regular nose bleeds
  • Weak sense of smell and taste
  • A feeling of pressure inside of your nose, forehead, or face
  • Postnasal drip

Many people will find help for their nasal polyps when they become a substantial disturbance to their quality of life.

How to Treat Nasal Polyps

When people think of treatment for nasal polyps, they typically first imagine surgery. But surgery, while reliable, is not usually the first approach in treating nasal polyps. These solutions will usually come first:

Corticosteroids: Whether they’re injected, breathed in through the nose, or taken in pill form, corticosteroids are among the most prevalent treatments to try to diminish the size of nasal polyps. The concept behind these solutions is to try to reduce any swelling that might be making the polyps bigger than they should be.

Other medications: If your doctor feels that your nasal polyps may be due to an underlying affliction, such as a sinus infection, you could be given other medications. The most common treatment for sinus infections is prescription antibiotics. If your sinus infection goes away, but your polyps remain, additional treatments might be necessary.

Nasal Polyps Surgery

In recent times, surgery for nasal polyps has acquired somewhat of a distressing reputation. “Nasal Packing” is a type of surgery that was practiced years ago where gauze was packed into the areas that the polyps were removed from and was known to be very Painful.

Today, however, this kind of painful procedure is an antiquated approach replaced by innovative bandaging materials, cutting edge technology, and minimally invasive surgery. Nasal polyps are generally extracted as an outpatient procedure and patients return home shortly after.

After your surgery, you will want to rest for a couple of weeks. The exact duration of your recovery period will vary depending on the precise nature of your procedure.

You Don’t Have to Deal With Nasal Polyps That Become an Issue

Nasal polyps aren’t always a problem. Sometimes, they begin small and only flare up when you have a sinus infection or cold. But when nasal polyps do become a problem, they can cause a great deal of physical distress. You can take action to solve the disorder and that’s significant to keep in mind.

Treatment possibilities are available for individuals who want to eradicate or decrease their nasal polyps. The advantages of your treatment will include deeper sleep, freer breathing, and potentially fewer nosebleeds and headaches.

Put another way, you’ll be able to concentrate on enjoying life again, without sniffling your way through it.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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